We are proud to offer our customers a truly unique reselection process in our quest for complete customer satisfaction.
If you are not happy with your decision on your custom sofa, regarding: style, size, or fabric, you may exchange your special order. There is no charge or restocking fee. You may reselect one time only….
We need to know within a couple of days of receiving your order that you are thinking of reselecting. At that time we ask that you live with your furniture for the rest of the week, then if you still wish to reselect, we will make arrangements to return the piece (s) to Sofa so Good. We require that the furniture be returned to Sofa So Good by no later than ten days from the date you received the furniture.
Sofa So Good uses an outside delivery service so you will need to pay the driver a delivery fee for returning your order, as well as another delivery fee for the new order to come to you.
If the reselection is a lower amount than the original purchase, the balance will be an in store credit for future use.
The reselected items will be ordered from our suppliers after the return to us of the items not wanted.
CUSTOMER NAME (Please print) ____________________________________
I understand and agree that I cannot use the items that I am returning and that Sofa So Good will not order my reselected items until after I return my first purchase. Initial…………..
I agree to pay all transportation charges with regards to this reselection. Initial………..
SIGNATURE ______________________ DATE ____________________